

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

January News...week of 9-15

Just received emails from Anjani and Dr. Samit. It was really nice to hear from them, especially when they told me that our egg retrieval and embryo transfer is going to happen between the 5-10 of February.

I’m thrilled… I am finally on a countdown before... I need to start counting weeks to see if we become successful with a positive result and.... then a countdown for success of a heartbeat.

I know I am jumping the gun, but I can’t help it! I have always been like this, even when I was doing IVF. I would set myself up and just start counting to my next check.
Fingers and toes crossed!


  1. I know exactly what you mean...always counting down to the next milestone! I'm the same way too! By the way we went with one surrogate. GOOD LUCK!

    1. Thanks JVC, It's is good to know that I am not the only one out there counting down our milestones!
      Good Luck for all of us!
